March 23, 2020
My Friends – You will have seen Governor Baker’s emergency order declaring a stay at home advisory and directing all non-essential services to close as of noon tomorrow. For us on the Vineyard, this means what most of us have been doing already: social distancing, staying at home, making food and pharmacy runs, and going for walks when we can. Workers at places of religious worship are deemed essential workers under this order. This means that Grace Church will continue to offer our online services, phone support, and carry on in general. We continue to have a group of parishioners who are willing and ready to run errands for others, shop, and be available for phone calls as needed. Please call the parish office at 508 693-0332 if there is a way they can be helpful to you. I am reminded of the words of St. John and St. Paul: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5) and “We do not lose heart.” (2 Cor 4:14). We will get through this. And we will get through it together. As we continue to follow social distancing, wash our hands, and make sure that we and our neighbors have enough food and medication, we are doing our part to mitigate the virus’ effects. Once we’ve done all we can do, then let’s get on with things and pay attention to those around us. The building is closed; we are open. Please see the following items and updates below:
Barbara Besse c/o Linda Besse 15908 East Cooper Road Mead, WA. 99021 God bless you, faithful friend, and thank you for everything you have given us.
I know Firefighters and EMS personnel in NYC who are working in the midst of their difficult situation; and I know churches in NYC and in London who would love to hear from us. If you’d like to write a card to NYC First Responders, Church of the Ascension or St. Pancras, please let me know, and I will give you the contact information. Please make sure that you put your name, c/o Grace Church Vineyard Haven and the church’s address as the return address. As always, this comes with my prayers for you. God bless you for your strength and for your goodness. Stephen+
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